Free Coaching Blog

Though I have a family to take care of, and therefore can't give away all my services and knowledge for free; I am giving away what I can, and charging little for everything else. To that end, I use this blog to post articles and other information that will help you improve your life.

If you would like more education/training and other services, visit our web site for details and contact information with which to pursue the changes you desire in your life.

Know that all posts are the property of their author, typically myself; and that none of the material posted here may be used for any purpose without proper written authorization. This training program and my organization are the culmination of the decades and lifetimes of work of myself and my team, and will likely continue long after I have dropped this body.

Also, I would like to work with you. If you want to post or use my work, contact me: I would gladly support you. There is much to accomplish, and little time. Let us create a better world, for this one is no longer working.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


For those who do not know who I am, I should probably introduce myself so that you don't think I'm just some random person talking about things I know nothing or little about, as many people do.

I am a philosopher, healer, conscious channel of communications from spiritually advanced souls, spiritual/psychic warrior (jedi if you follow the Star Wars philosophy, which has apparently now become an official religion), business consultant, graphic and web artist, animator, martial artist, and much more. I do not consider myself a “master” or “guru”. I am simply a being who has existed through many incarnations, retains much past life memory and knowledge, and understands the causes and solutions for the suffering and spiritual advancement of mankind. I am working with the spiritual beings of light and peace guiding this planet into the next stage of spiritual and physical evolution, and have been asked to convey messages from them.

I have learned that once you clear the issues, conflicts and other interferences from consciousness: it is possible to intuit (feel from within the soul) what is appropriate “truth” to believe and what is not. Even if one is not able to feel beyond the physical body to the deeper levels of spirit and consciousness, it is still possible to learn to feel and interpret the reactions of the physical body to such higher level responses.

It becomes an internal compass by which one can discern what is appropriate to believe and what is not, and has always served me well. Like many, I have learned the hard way to trust my intuition to avoid needless suffering, even if I didn't like the answer. This and application/experience are my primary tools of proving what is beneficial for my life and what is not.

These are the tools I suggest you learn and use to find your way in life. Do not blindly follow anyone or anything, including myself, but rather seek and follow the “truth” that feels appropriate to you, wherever it may be found, in “adult” or “child” alike. It is not the speaker which is important, but the information that benefits your life and propels you forward on your journey. Even if you discover later that it was not “true”, it still benefited you at the time. Do not condemn yourself for believing, but accept the benefit it held for you at the time and the learning opportunity that it has presented to you now.

This consciousness clearing process is also helpful in clearing the distractions that hinder our awareness of other levels of existence with which we are constantly and often obliviously interacting. Once achieved, I then learned how to filter out all distracting and potentially harmful occurrences and beings, leaving only the beneficial experiences to focus my time and efforts on.

I am an intuitive spiritual life and business coach, mentor and trainer/educator known as The Quantum Empowerment CoachTM and founder of Knight Development Group, soon to be known as The Quantum Empowerment Group. I have been researching how the world really works and what's really going on, from both a spiritual and scientific perspective, for more than fifteen years (this incarnation). I am currently creating a spiritual training program and book series, which if technology lasts I will turn into a video training series. I am also considering creating a radio/TV show, and have been for several years.

I teach/share nothing new, for there is nothing new that you require, only ancient knowledge that has been lost/covered up and is now being recovered/restated in terms which are more appropriate to your current perspective and level of education/experience. Those who claim to be teaching new information are either ignorant of these facts, or are deceiving you. This you must learn to discern for yourself, as you must learn to discern all truth.

Anyone who doubts this should study the most ancient documents you are allowed to know about, especially the Sanskrit writings supposedly dating back to about 6,000BC. The scientific, energetic and spiritual principles (and energy technologies), which we are only now recovering, were known to them: along with the origin of the human species, the story of which has been distorted and covered up over the last several thousands years.

I serve as a catalyst and a guide. I have traveled the paths you are now traveling, and am thereby able to guide you along your journey. No two paths are the same, but the principles that govern the worlds and your life on each level of learning/existence are the same. With my knowledge, experience, and direct connection to source, I can help you along your journey in may ways.

Many find these concepts hard to accept, and become defensive around anyone who they perceive to know something they do not. Because this planet has been in a constant state of war and slavery for thousands of years, many are full of fear and wary of oppression and judgment from those who claim to have what others do not. To ease these fears, I will state a few of the divine principles I live by.

We are all the same on the fundamental levels. We are all energetic manifestations of consciousness. The physical body and the physical world are not solid, but rather varying levels of density of energy, as scientists on Earth have been discovering for over a hundred years. No physical manifestation is “better” or more important than any other. One's actions may be more beneficial to self and others, but the actions are not the “person”.

You are not separate, but because your focus is limited to the physical or lower level of manifestation out of the many, you are not aware of the extent of your spirit's existence and interaction with others. There are none more powerful than any other, for we all are working with and have access to the same power. Those who have experienced and therefore learned more, though not all learning is equal, have come to understand and develop more access to knowledge and skills than others. This is no different than the difference you assume between older and younger generations, and therefore this is the best comparison.

It is no more beneficial to consider others to be less than self on the basis of spiritual knowledge and experience than it is to consider your child to be less important because he/she has been in their human form less time than you. It is useless to assign value to the being on the basis of its age, knowledge, and skill. We are all divine beings interacting with the physical world through a physical form that is not “the self”. We all have known of people who are much older than ourselves who do not understand what we do and who judge us in these ways.

Instead of seeing others as less than, we must see them as being in different stages of learning and growth, and having knowledge and experience in different areas of learning. One may have great knowledge in one area, and little in another. We see this commonly in what you call a genius.

They are often knowledgeable in science or mechanics, and have little social skills. They are no better, they simply have access to greater levels of information and ability in one area or another. We are all spiritual children, with different levels of spiritual knowledge and experience, and we are all of equal value and equal potential.

I am no better and no more important than any other, I simply have a large amount of knowledge and experience to share in certain areas, just as you have in other areas. We are all both students and teachers, focusing on specific areas of learning and growth, and teaching others either directly or by example ways and principles that either hinder or benefit.

Those who assign value to the individual instead of to knowledge and wisdom, and establish competition instead of cooperation and growth, you must choose wisely how to deal with. Accepting their ways is often a hindrance and not a benefit, and much of what you have been taught is based on these detrimental belief systems which act like viruses in the mind disrupting your life and hindering your growth. These are the belief systems that have created the suffering you now experience, and must be replaced if you wish to create a more enjoyable and beneficial life and world.

Now that you have a better understanding of who I am and what qualifies me to discuss these topics, I will now share my perspective, knowledge and experience for your learning and growth. Please read slowly and carefully to enhance your learning and avoid misunderstanding. Read with an open mind and heart, and let your soul point you to conflicts between what I share and what you believe. These you must carefully analyze and decide for yourself what is beneficial for you to believe and live by, which is best proven through application.

Remember that what is beneficial for a child may become a hindrance for an adult, and the reverse is also true. A child must rely on its parents when it does not know how to take care of its self, but this principle may become a hindrance if he/she continues to expect to be taken care of instead of learning to grow beyond that dependence.

Therefore, remember that there are different levels of beliefs and different levels of understanding appropriate to each level of learning and existence. What I share may or may not be appropriate to you at this time, and should therefore be disregarded without judgment if your soul feels that this information is not appropriate for your life at this time.

However, be careful that it is not your mind or heart becoming upset, reactive or defensive that pulls away from what I share. We often don't like to hear the truth when it means that we must be adults and take responsibility for our actions and our lives, and admit that the way we have been living or thinking is actually harmful instead of helpful. Hearing the truth is not always pleasant. As a child, we did not enjoy finding out that our parents deceived us into believing in Santa Clause and other false tales.

The reason for the apparent chaos, suffering and oppression in the world is not what we have been taught to believe that it is. Much of what we have been taught were lies, and no matter how painful it may seem, we must uncover the truth if we are to free ourselves and learn the principles of living a happy and fulfilling life.

You must remember: it is estimated that less than ten percent of the population makes the amount of money, lives the life of freedom, and achieves the kind of happiness and peace they desire. That means that most of the world is living in lack, limitation and suffering every single day. Now, we are all trying to do our best with what we have and what we know, are we not?

If this is true, then we must not have been taught how to create the life we desire, and were instead taught many principles that have lead us in the wrong direction. Therefore, in order to create a better life and world for ourselves, we must not only learn the right principles and actions, but we must also remove what has lead us down the wrong path in the first place.

This is what I have spent my life doing, and I have learned to create and recreate many times a better life for myself. These are the secrets that I share with you, so be very careful not to be too quick to determine what is of benefit to you and what is hindering you. Dig deeply and consider long what I share, what you believe, and what you have been taught. Take the time to be absolutely sure what is true before you throw out what does not benefit you, or you may miss the gold hidden in the dirt.

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