A response to http://globalpsychics.ning.com/forum/topics/higher-powers
and comments posted.
That's a very good and respectful way of viewing things. It is an important part of Chinese and Native American spiritual beliefs as well, and probably others, but these are the cultures I am most familiar with and can recall at 3:30am. There are indeed many who have gone before who still share their wisdom in many ways, both directly through consciousness and in writings left behind.
For those of you who do not know who I am and what I do, feel free to read the Introduction on The Quantum Empowerment Blog or http://quantumempowermentcoach.blogspot.com/ for anyone who has a problem with the hyperlink. Copy/type the http link above and paste it into the address bar on your browser, and you will reach the proper destination if it still exists in the time which you are reading this. From time to time I repeat information for readers who have not heard/read other principles I teach, and as a reminder to embed these truths deeper and often clarify them for multiple applications.
In my years of study, I have found many descriptions of encounters and many “channeled” writings, such as the beneficial “RA Material” and channelings of Cora Tapan Richmond among others, some of which “wrung true” and some which did not. I have also learned that once you clear the issues, conflicts and other interferences from consciousness: it is possible to intuit (feel from within the soul) what is appropriate “truth” to believe and what is not. Even if one is not able to feel beyond the physical body to the deeper levels of spirit and consciousness, it is still possible to learn to feel and interpret the reactions of the physical body to such higher level responses.
It becomes an internal compass by which one can discern what is appropriate to believe and what is not, and has always served me well. Like many, I have learned the hard way to trust my intuition to avoid needless suffering, even if I didn't like the answer. This and application/experience are my primary tools of proving what is beneficial for my life and what is not.
These are the tools I suggest you learn and use to find your way in life. Do not blindly follow anyone or anything, including myself, but rather seek and follow the “truth” that feels appropriate to you, wherever it may be found, in “adult” or “child” alike. It is not the speaker which is important, but the information that benefits your life and propels you forward on your journey. Even if you discover later that it was not “true”, it still benefited you at the time. Do not condemn yourself for believing, but accept the benefit it held for you at the time and the learning opportunity that it has presented to you now.
Preparing for discussion:
Before you discuss a subject, it is good to define terms to limit the possibility of misunderstanding and to give clarity to the subject. People have different definitions that are often very personal to them of different terms, especially spiritual terms and concepts. "Higher Powers" is no exception. I have heard the term used for Angels/spiritual guides or messengers, the “ancients”, any being on a higher level than the physical plane or the experiencer, and God.
Higher is a relative term, so what is this group/category higher than? If it is higher than you, than you are stuck (depending how far you wish to take this) with the almost impossible task of determining what level you are on; which is not information typically given, even by the Christ Consciousness/Avatar (Sanskrit for the top representation/manifestation in the worlds/”reality” of the Source, as I recall) and “his” direct agents in the world(s).
Luckily, this is not information most people require and it can actually be a distraction; which is why it is not typically given. There are ways that the approximate stage of spiritual evolution/journey can be narrowed down and categorized, and you are welcome to email me for help with that if you wish to pursue this unnecessary potential.
Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia claims the term's origin to be Alcoholics Anonymous, and says:
“Definition and usage
In current twelve-step program usage a Higher Power can be anything at all that the member believes is adequate. Reported examples include Nature, consciousness, existential freedom, their twelve-step group, God, science, Buddha. It is frequently stipulated that as long as a Higher Power is "greater" than the individual, then the only condition is that it should also be loving and caring.”
It appears to be a broad term/classification, and so I would consider it a broad category applicable to all of the uses listed above by both Wikipedia and those I discussed hearing or talking about this with. So, to begin; for the sake of this discussion let us consider the term to mean “any being, incarnated or otherwise, of an apparently progressed state of spiritual education, awareness/consciousness, capability and/or experience than that of the individual encountering it”.
I will now share my personal beliefs on the subject including/based on my own personal experience with such beings, as well as the testimonies of others whom I know/have known or have studied who have experienced such “higher power” encounters/interactions. Such studies/research I have been doing since I was a child to educate myself on the nature of the spiritual journey and the specific aspects and capabilities associated with spiritual development.
So-called “higher beings” seem to fall into four common categories/classifications:
Angels/spiritual guides or messengers (often assumed divine and trustworthy, which is dangerous)
The “Ancients” (which itself has multiple uses/definitions)
Any being on a higher level than the physical plane or the experiencer (also often assumed divine and trustworthy, which is dangerous)
And God
When one evaluates these categories, it is easy to see the potential of beings in one category falling into another category as well. Also, because so few people are educated on these higher/deeper levels of reality and who/what are in them, it becomes a jungle through which we struggle, not knowing who or what and how much to trust, get involved with or ignore such beings we encounter.
The “Powers That Be” (PTBs as some call them) and powers that “came before us”:
There are many “powers”/empowered beings that exist in the many levels and dimensions of “reality”. They have been studied by many throughout ancient times/existance who learned the spiritual skills of multi-dimensional sight and the other senses. Our “physical senses” are not limited to the physical world, but can be extended to other levels of reality through expansion of the consciousness. This I have elaborated on in other places, especially my multi-dimensional trainings, so I will not go into much detail here.
To convey these concepts in terms that even the beginner can understand; picture “reality” as a multi-layered cake. The layers of this cake are not separate, but part of the whole. Each layer, or level, contains countless forms of life. What limits the beings living to one layer and keeps them from interacting with and experiencing the other layers is simply their awareness.
Just as human children learn to understand and use progressively higher and more complicated levels of math, science, etc: so too does the spiritual being learn and grow until they reach higher levels of energy and awareness. Eventually, all beings reach a level of understanding and readiness to experience more of the “reality” cake. This is all regulated by rules and principles which control “reality” much like a computer program, which is guided, changed and managed by two kinds of beings, often classified by most cultures as elementals, angels or gods and children of the gods.
The first kind I call “the helpers”. Their primary focus is serving, at whatever level they are working, and they don't understand or think about much else. They are assigned jobs in many areas/aspects of managing reality to maintain balance and proper functioning of the creation processes on planets, in solar systems, or at/on other scales and levels of “reality”. Many examples of this are known but often considered myth by many “modern” cultures, such as “fairies” and “gnomes”.
The second kind are advanced souls who have progressed through many physical forms including the highest, in this universe: human form, and have advanced past the physical level of consciousness. They may yet take on or currently possess physical bodies, and may only be human souls taking a break to serve as guides to humanity or other positions/roles, but ultimately have to continue higher levels of learning through incarnated experience in the worlds. These two kinds of beings managing “reality” are just a few of the many beings inhabiting various levels, universes and dimensions of “reality”.
“Do you believe that they have 'Higher Authorities' like the plane that we are on?” “What purpose do they serve?”
Because they are not as apparently limited, people often assume that the un-incarnated beings they encounter are “higher” and much more spiritually advanced than incarnated beings, but this is often not the case. As a general rule, whether in or out of physical incarnation, beings are only able to perceive other beings within one level of themselves, so that they may learn from those above and help those below without over-complication and clashing of levels too different from each other. This is why many channeled beings refer to their own guides, “masters” or “higher” beings that they are learning from. They too are dealing with beings within an “octave”/energy level higher from which they learn.
The most common exception to this rule comes in the case of what many call the “Avatar” or “Christ Consciousness” and his/their circle/team of helpers. Whether you believe that it is one being or several, a god/the God or an extra terrestrial from another location in the galaxy, universe or multi-verse, (which seem to me to be able to fit together quite well with each other in combination): it is clear that such a manifestation occurs. It seems to me indisputable that one or many highly advanced beings have incarnated to bring higher levels of truth and understanding to our world. These teachings are often hundreds or even thousands of years more advanced than most or all of the rest of humanity.
As a general rule, everyone and everything we encounter seems to manifest in our lives in accordance with what I call the “Mirror Principle”. The ever popular “Law Of Attraction”, now more accurately called by the scientifically educated the “Law Of Resonance”, is in my opinion an incomplete or distorted view of one or two aspects of this principle. This principle seems to draw together everything in our lives based not only what we think or feel about, what we believe (consciously or otherwise), but also what learning we need to progress. It is a reflection of our state of consciousness, encompassing all of the thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and also the necessary learning required to help us progress in our spiritual journey.
All beings, incarnated or otherwise, “positive” (bringing peace) or “negative” (bringing conflict), manifest in our lives to give us opportunities to learn and grow and/or to help others do the same. Every seven to fourteen-hundred years, this fact is demonstrated to a higher degree, in accordance with the holographic nature of “reality”, by the consciousness of humanity as a group manifesting/drawing to us an Avatar/“Christ Consciousness” being to bring our race (as many as are ready) to the next stage/level of the current age in our spiritual journey. This pattern culminates in the last manifestation bringing to close the current age in preparation for the next. This brings me to the next question.
“Why would 'Higher Powers' want to destroy their creation and the evolution that followed?”
There are several parts to this question, and so I will answer by elaborating on several of the topics/concepts involved. This question was posed after you talked about 2012 and the destruction that we are seeing now, which I have elaborated on in other writings/educational materials, so I will only briefly address a few key points here and you can request more details if you desire them.
First, there are many more “Higher Powers” than those on any one level, and there are levels within levels (worlds within worlds as they say). Most people I have seen/read discussing their “higher powers” are not dealing with the powers that created either humanity, the other life on this planet, or the planet itself. Most of them are speaking with either their guide/guardian angel, other such helpers, or gathering information from their own subconscious/higher mind. Occasionally, they may be communicating with an Avatar/“Christ Consciousness” being or one of “his” direct team, though very rarely.
There are powers attempting to corrupt or destroy much of the life on this world, but they are not the creators of it. The closest understanding I have yet heard of what they really are can be understood in the combination of concepts: of demons in many world religions, the “grays” alien race theory, and more accurately in principle the Native American concept of “coyote” and the Eastern concept of the gods/forces of chaos and destruction. The truth is actually in the layering of these concepts, for they are manifesting out of the principle into varying degrees of reality as applicable.
Everything manifests from the level of consciousness, so we will start there. The principles governing these forces is first the Duality of Creation, and second The Cycles of Creation and Destruction. Creation manifests in duality as light and shadow (lack of light), yin and yang, to give contrast, balance and perspective. The one can not exist without the other. The combination of light and shadow give form to the multi-dimensional world we perceive.
When it comes to the forces of limitation and destruction in this world, both of human and non-human origin, they follow the same rules of manifestation as everything else. They can only enter our lives in response to a need for learning and growth that they can fill. In this case, overcoming the fear and limitation the human race has perpetuated and empowered are key final lessons of this age. Those who do not learn these lessons and graduate from the learning of this level will remain here and repeat them for another age. In contrast, those who learn and accept these lessons will no longer benefit from such experiences, and will graduate to the next level of “reality” and learning.
In short, there are no victims. Humanity invited these manifestations of conflict and destruction through their own fears and resistance to their own learning. This could be seen as a manifestation of learning “the hard way” necessitated by procrastination. There have been many opportunities to realize the truths that facing their fears will bring, but many spiritual children have run from these lessons.
There are also many who are learning not to mistreat others by being in a position of powerlessness so that they learn about what they have done to others. The path of selfishness and domination of others, as well as the victim mentality which empowers it, are lower states of consciousness and being that cause suffering for everyone involved. Experiencing these roles inspires people to become more than they are, to rise above the suffering and create a higher state of being. As more beings learn these lessons, the desire for and determination to create a loving and peaceful world empowers that potential into existence.
Now, the destruction of creation is a cleansing and restoration process. Creation is manifested in waves, coming from the center of creation outward and then flowing back, often called “the breath of life”. The outward breath creates the new, the inhale brings back the old. It is a renewal process.
In order to build a new home, the old one must be destroyed. In order to end suffering, either the beliefs or the people who choose to cause suffering must cease to exist in the same space as those who desire peace. The wars you believe are so horrible are actually a tool of destruction that cleanses those with destructive natures, pitting them against each other. They either learn the futility of such struggle during the conflict, or they remove each other from physical existence; leaving room for those with a higher desire for peace, and learning from their actions on the “other side” or in successive incarnations. This leads to the next question.
“Are there 'bad' souls?”
“Bad” is a completely relative term, for which many have contrived definitions. Those in conflict often claim to be the “good guys” and that the enemies are the “bad guys”, but in actuality both sides are negative or they could not interact in such a manner. One side may be the aggressors/invaders/oppressors and the other the defenders/suppressed, but there are no coincidences. There may be different reasons for the experience: some may be learning not to fear being victimized or believe that they are powerless, others may be learning not to be selfish and attempt to control their fellow man, but all are experiencing the struggle as an opportunity for learning and growth that they require for their progression.
The life paths of selfishness and selflessness are, to me, the best way to differentiate clearly what constitutes negative and positive behavior. Those who put others down in order to feel that they are higher, those who take from others in order to possess more can be said to be “bad”, but all are divine children playing the game of life and learning greater and greater levels of action, thought and being. All conflict in the world is a reflection of varying levels of conflict and learning being accomplished within each group and each being. The old patterns of domination, limitation and hoarding are being destroyed by feeding/turning on each other.
Even among those claiming to work for the greater good of others, there is selfishness and conflict. Channelers, psychics, light workers, healers, speakers and educators, almost everyone around us seem quite distracted by petty squabbling and fear of not knowing the most, being the best, oldest and most knowledgeable.
Few are even content to disagree, few actually listen to others because they are too busy filtering everything that is said for something they can judge, condemn, or believe is less than what they believe. Instead of sharing information, having discussions and building each other up, condemnation and wasted energy and time are the norm. We see it in religions, governments, businesses, families, and every other facet of society. The population as a whole are being forced to unite in order to overcome thousands of years of negative patterns or fall beneath the weight of the negativity.
All souls eventually find light and love in unity with each other and the divine source of all things, but it takes thousands and often millions of lifetimes of experiences. This is why it is so important to spend as much time and energy as we can focusing on learning more about who we are and what our potential is every moment of each life we live. The less we are distracted by selfishness and pointless behavior, the more time we can spend on the important experiences and beneficial learnings essential for spiritual progression.
May this sharing benefit all who read it. I wish you happiness and peace. Namaste
The Quantum Empowerment CoachTM
© Christopher Allen Moeller 2/25/2010 Please obtain written permission before using this material. Thank you. I would be happy to support you in such endeavors, and am creating an extensive training program and book series on this and many related subjects of business, personal and spiritual development.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
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