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Though I have a family to take care of, and therefore can't give away all my services and knowledge for free; I am giving away what I can, and charging little for everything else. To that end, I use this blog to post articles and other information that will help you improve your life.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

2012 and The Shift: What’s Really Going On

I have been asked by many people what I have learned about 2012. I included information on this subject in my recent Quantum Empowerment TrainingTM titled “The Quantum Science Of Reality: An Introduction To The New Universal Paradigm” . Since we have been too busy to finish production and the bonuses yet, I will give a brief overview here.

When considering this subject, the first thing you must understand is that there has been a lot of incorrect information spread about the Mayan calendar and other predictions of what that year will entail. There have been many misunderstandings, and more importantly there has also been a blatant attempt to mislead the public, but most people don't want to hear about that: so I will leave that information for private responses only.

The bottom line, and the most important fact, is that it will not be the end of the world. It may be the end of the societal structure and geography we have become accustom and mentally attached to, but the Earth will not be destroyed. The doomsday/Armageddon theories as they are often told are a myth. Whether this myth has been purposely concocted to scare you, I won't comment on at this time. Neither the popular Mayan predictions nor the biblical predictions actually predict the Earth's destruction. This is misunderstanding of varying sources, inaccurate translation of original terminology or simple misinterpretation.

Now that we have the big scary theories out of the way, I will briefly discuss the scientific facts which I have researched/uncovered from both scientific and “spiritual” sources, both ancient and current.

The oldest currently known written predictions, dating back to approximately 6,000B.C. from the most ancient civilization officially recognized and accepted by modern “experts”, are taken from the Sumerian texts written in kuniform. Coincidentally, these are the same texts that best document the secret history of our race and prove ancient scientific knowledge not yet rivaled by our modern civilization, but I will save that for another time as well.

These texts, and most others, describe cycles of time and change known now as ages or Aeons. These ages make up larger cycles of change (creation, dissolution and recreation). This is slightly simplifying the levels of cycles at work, but gives the basic concept. As you have probably heard, we are currently experiencing the end of one age and the beginning of another.

The significance of this event is not only in the transition between cycles, but also in the little-known fact that we are hitting the half-way point in a larger and much more significant cycle of time/growth. This is causing a gigantic leap in the evolution of not only our planet but all forms of life inhabiting it. Everyone seems to be focusing on the planet or mankind, and few are paying attention to the changes in animal, plant and mineral life.

All life is evolving to a higher state of being. Plants are adapting, new species are evolving, new rocks and minerals are appearing and the old are disintegrating. Animals are exhibiting behaviors and cognitive abilities that didn't exist even a few decades ago, using tools, communicating and strategically planning in more complex ways.

The reference in the Bible to the stones crying out is not a metaphor or analogy. It's actually a reference to a literal, rarely understood scientific phenomenon known as resonance or amplitude shift. In the presence of certain quantum energy frequencies/waves, some forms of which we are now experiencing, the energy that forms our bodies/being will change pitch/amplitude/tone. This can be temporary or permanent, and in some forms of life it may even cause visible light or audible sound emanations (tones).

The quantum energy coming from the center of the galaxy is causing this kind of shift at such a fast and ever-increasing rate in every part of our solar system, as evidenced by the magnetic and atmospheric weather shifts seen in our sun and every visible planet, that everything is changing at a rate we can barely keep up with. Tracking and correlating constantly changing data to predict the changes and their effects is very difficult.

I say visible because there is another planet that researchers supposedly haven't found yet but know is out there. They can't find it, and therefore can't measure it yet, though it was known by the Sumerians 6,000+ years ago. The texts and artifacts gave us orbit information NASA is supposedly currently using to attempt to locate it, if they haven't found it already and sat on the information (I won't go into why they would do that right now). Regardless, these extreme changes in the visible planets have already been documented by NASA for years.

These changes are raising the quantum energies and chemistry of all life on Earth, and are reflected in our society and mental states. Most people admit to feeling “it”, even if they don't know what “it” is. We feel it because, whether we know it or not, our quantum energy fields/souls are connected energetically with all the others on this planet. This is significantly increasing the multi-dimensional awareness of everyone and probably everything on the planet. We're essentially getting a quantum energetic/spiritual boost the likes of which Earth hasn't experienced in at least 3,600 years and likely exponentially more.

This is both a blessing and a curse, because this is amplifying the effects our presence/spirit/quantum energy fields have on all levels. This means that our effect on our bodies, DNA, each other and this planet full of life, (“good” or “bad” effects, relative to our quantum energy frequency), is growing ever stronger. Because we as a civilization/culture have lost, and therefore stopped teaching, this knowledge of the true power humans possess to effect “reality” (and the responsibility that goes with it): mankind unknowingly causes themselves, others and the world serious problems and even death.

“Western science”, as it is often called, has only recently been able to even observe, let alone understand such levels of interaction and causal forces. Due to the entrenched belief systems that have been formed around the incomplete and limited science we have been using for the last few hundred years, the spread of this information has been sluggish at best. The applications of this uncovered and recovered knowledge are barely beginning to be understood, even by many of the top scientists in such fields of research.

Meanwhile, rich with this ancient knowledge the western world lost, the ancient cultures around the globe have maintained and continued to apply these principles through aural history and training, awaiting the completion that has now begun and the renewal that it brings. Despite the mistreatment of cultures who did not understand them, they have begun sharing these truths and working with scientists to speed up the awakening and education of the western world.

We are creating and expanding consolidated educational programs and trainings to quickly bring people through the process of awakening, education and adaptation necessary for a smoother transition and possibly survival. Technologies and techniques have been and are still being developed to enhance this process of change that we are experiencing, and counteract the destructive influences we have created such as cancer-causing electromagnetic radiation.

Time is running out. As you are undoubtedly aware, everyone is already feeling the pressure, but they don't know where it's coming from and many are panicking. Many turn to distractions such as drugs, alcohol and other addictive escapist behaviors to take their minds off of their discomfort and lack of peace. Many are in a state of almost constant fear and stress, which is only destroying them faster on multiple levels.

As we enter the denser energies bombarding our solar system from the center of the galaxy, these feelings and stresses will continue to increase for anyone who hasn't learned to adapt to the new energy frequencies. It has been predicted that the energy and strain will become so great, that it may literally burn not only people's skin but their their entire bodies, causing spontaneous combustion. Like any other power surge, it can fry the energy conduits of our bodies and blow us out like a light bulb or television.

As stated earlier, fear only makes things worse. Humanity must awaken to who and what they are, educate themselves, and begin the process of adapting to the new energy frequencies and levels. The most recent generations being born over the last several decades are already being born more adapted. They can see more than the usual visual light range, feel more energy then previous generations, are often more intuitive, and have a higher rate of energy absorption and adaptation.

This is the true cause for one form of Dyslexia, and the misunderstood “disorders” of A.D.D. and A.D.H.D.: which most people, including doctors, are completely unaware of. Their brains literally work differently, the separation between left and right sides of the brain is smaller, and the two hemispheres are working in a more balanced and coherent state. They think and react much faster than previous generations, which has made them prime targets for military recruitment.

"Western civilization" is only beginning to understand and experience the capabilities of this new breed of humans, yet they have already proven their proficiencies in many ways that have changed our country forever. New sciences and organizations are being developed just to understand and adapt to their ever-changing minds and behaviors. Whatever the end result of this shift, it is clear from our children and grandchildren that our society will be changing very rapidly for a long time to come, and has only begun (even the “experts”) to understand the true potential of the human species.

May this sharing benefit all who read it. I wish you happiness and peace. Namaste
The Quantum Empowerment CoachTM

© Copyright Christopher Allen Moeller 3/12/2010 Please obtain written permission before using this material. Thank you. I would be happy to support you in such endeavors, and am creating an extensive training program and book series on this and many related subjects of business, personal and spiritual development.

1 comment:

  1. A basic outline of the more extensive information I give in my training The Quantum Science Of Reality™ can be found in the blog "Preview - An Introduction To The New Universal Paradigm™"
