Free Coaching Blog

Though I have a family to take care of, and therefore can't give away all my services and knowledge for free; I am giving away what I can, and charging little for everything else. To that end, I use this blog to post articles and other information that will help you improve your life.

If you would like more education/training and other services, visit our web site for details and contact information with which to pursue the changes you desire in your life.

Know that all posts are the property of their author, typically myself; and that none of the material posted here may be used for any purpose without proper written authorization. This training program and my organization are the culmination of the decades and lifetimes of work of myself and my team, and will likely continue long after I have dropped this body.

Also, I would like to work with you. If you want to post or use my work, contact me: I would gladly support you. There is much to accomplish, and little time. Let us create a better world, for this one is no longer working.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Relationships, Love, and Being “In Love”

The following is an article I wrote in response to

In my spiritual studies and in my experience as an intuitive, I have noticed many tragedies of mis-information taught to the masses by both traditional education and the media when it comes to relationships, and I believe this brainwashing of the open-minded has lead to the 85% divorce rate average we now see in the United States.

I believe Augustine to be quite correct, as a general rule. I believe being in love and loving someone are two drastically different things, and this difference being the difference between happiness and suffering for many romantic relationships that get caught up in the idea of being "in love". Movies romanticize and idealize being "in love", and often fail to show this crucial point of that state's illusory magical qualities.

In fact, most people's beliefs about love are more focused on the feelings of being "in love", and few have any idea what real love is. When the dust settles, they often find themselves having moved too fast, made too many assumptions, and driving each-other away as quickly as they came together. Pre-conceived ideas of what the "ideal" relationship "should be" and the reality of what naturally occurs after the stigma of the "in love" state wears off often combine with fear of past failures and unpleasant or even painful experiences often lead to a rapid, destructive collapse and painful disconnection of souls that often leaves emotional scars.

Most people end up jaded after only a couple such experiences, and build an emotional wall around themselves, afraid to love again. Without understanding the nature of how the world works, they then often draw to themselves people who match their new beliefs, lowered expectations and fears about love and relationships, and confirm their fears in the process. Thus begins the downward spiral and crash so many young people today find themselves experiencing, and the depression that comes with it. They have no idea that a few simple changes, understanding a few key principles, could bring them to a realization of the idealistic relationships or at least a more lasting and fulfilling version of the kind of love they truly desire.

The problem is, most people have no idea how to achieve such a relationship, do not understand the principles on which their relationships, let alone their lives, operate. The rules and principles of the Divine Game of life have been lost to the burned libraries of Rome and Egypt, the fear and ignorance of the religious book burnings or misguided generations long past. The masses have created their own ideas, misconceptions, and there-by preconceptions of life and relationships, and doomed generation after generation to ignorance and misery.

Anyone who disagrees with the social norm is labeled a deviant, rebel, weird, or lunatic, and therefore shunned, ridiculed or killed by the ignorant; often by those who claim such a man, no matter the title or name given him, as their Lord and Master: though they know neither the soul behind the body, nor his teachings and heart. The businesses of religion and politics have done more to destroy love and relationships than anything else, using it as a tool for distraction and manipulation, and limiting its understanding, expression and taboos to the dismal physical appearance that is a mere shadow of real divine love. Thus the chain of ignorance and suffering has continued for thousands of years unhindered, distorting and destroying all it touches.

The only hope for a recovery from such ignorance lies in the openness of the few, often the young, to the truths outside the social norm. The awakening of humanity has begun, and with it has come a battle between the assumptions and ignorance of the old and the passion for truth of the few but ever-growing awakening souls. We feel it all around us, yet most do not suspect the literal ways in which this war is being fought upon our very minds and bodies. The current rulers of society struggle to find excuses to drug the young, poison the food with chemicals that cloud the mind and distort the spiritual structure and instruments of divine communication, leaving behind the teachings and yearnings of the heart for the obsessions of the mind and body.

We are finally coming out of the dark ages we have been deceived into believing ended long ago, throwing off the fears and limiting beliefs of the past and proving the true and divine ways of being to our very souls. The divine messengers shower truth upon the masses and uncover the deceptions of the past so quickly and so pervasively, that the darkness has little hope of keeping up. The sciences of unity and the power of belief guide humanity to the questioning and truth-seeking necessary for the understanding of life and the freedom of their spirits once and for all. The upheaval is tangible, and the passion for truth unquenchable in the hearts and minds of the awakening humanity.

So begins our return to the truth, the higher understanding of the principles by which man may free himself from suffering and achieve the relationships and fulfilling life the heart and soul cry for in the night. Physical pleasures quickly lose their joy, the emotions bare their mark upon the body much more rapidly, and time itself seems to drive us onward on our quest for understanding, happiness and peace. Our stomachs churn and our chests tighten with every lie, and shine with happiness and peace at every truth. Awakening and empowerment are at last within the grasp of the masses as the truths once kept in secret are poured out in divine love by the messengers of truth.

Real love is seen to be a way of life, a state of being, a chosen expression of the spiritual connection which fills us with joy, excitement and the feeling of being “home” as the soul behind the body tastes unity once more. Physical lust is seen as the empty shadow lacking the divine expression of spiritual unity, the energetic fountain of youth and key to the awakening of the soul. Divine unconditional love is seen once again as the highest of the many forms of love which have gone mostly unobserved by mortal man of the last age.

The physical body itself is seen to be but a construct for the physical existence and expression of the spirit guiding its movement in the physical level of an immense multi-verse. For the first time in centuries, the truths taught by the original divine inspirers of the world religions are once again within the grasp of mortal man on the verge of achieving the spiritual immortality they came to inspire.

Copyright Christopher Allen Moeller May 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Principles For An Empowered Transition Through The Shift

In response to 2012/Shift questions I have been getting from friends and clients/students and the Astrological analysis of the coming changes.

For those who would like some literal applications of this information and the things you have been hearing, I will share a few insights I received while reading it and doing my own intuitive and scientific research over the last couple decades, which I elaborate on in other Quantum Empowerment TrainingsTM.

First, above all remember that this is to be taken as a serious time of learning, growth, realizing And Acting On/Living your potential. This planet is a galactic learning center, primarily focused on love and higher spiritual principles of peace and conscious creation/action. This is a time of accelerated learning and achieving.

As a class, you have already been given a review and are now being given opportunities to prove that you have learned the higher principles by living them. If you are able to do so, you will graduate to the next level of learning and living. If not, you will not just repeat the same class but rather a summer-school style accelerated learning program.

This last age/class has been a time of suffering, a time of darkness in a downward plunge to knock some sense into the would-be victims, the selfish and ego-driven to awaken them to the error of that path, their responsibility to everyone they effect, for everyone and everything they let effect them, and the joy of living a more loving, peaceful and cooperative way of life.

Selfishness must give way to selflessness and a realization of the undeniable unity and subjectivity/relativity of all, taught to the most hard-headed through quantum physics and the discovery that nothing is separate or truly physical, but rather a highly subjective/relative holographic projection of energy and information from a deeper/higher source. Turn your attention to the true sources of life and being, realize and act on the understanding of who you are, what the world is, how it works, and what is possible because of that knowledge.

Second, remember that you are never alone. There is more to the world/universe than what your physical senses can perceive and that many await the call for support. Many have left the physical level over the past few years, but they are not gone from you; they are simply not in the physical form they once were. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, we are all spiritual beings and are not limited in communication or ability to the physical extension of our true selves. We are multi-dimensional beings who can reach across and beyond time/space to those we love, and they to us.

We are not alone in this struggle. Whether you call them angels, higher beings, ascended souls, dead relatives, or any other label or combination of labels; know that there are souls waiting to help you, teach you, guide you. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are already being guided on your journey through this class by those who have already experienced and can share that experience of what you are now going through.

I know, many people are hesitant to talk to or listen to the channeling of such beings because they fear mis-information. This is pure ignorance; for an educated intuitive/multi-dimensional being, (which you all are capable of being), can choose what kind of being they draw to them for support, and rely on their inner connection/unity with the divine source to verify the validity and appropriateness of any information conveyed. Basically, you can learn to see/feel whether truth is being conveyed and what kind of being, (light/dark, selfish/selfless) regardless of form (incarnated, out-of-body or formless), you are dealing with; and therefore can not be deceived by anyone but yourself.

Thirdly, and probably the most important, is free will. The primary law of the universe/multi-verse is the power of free will above all. There are no words that could possibly convey to you the power of free will, the power of choice, the power of creativity, and the power of being your authentic self. Each alone is powerful beyond mortal comprehension, and even the immortals not limited by physical form or death often do not fully comprehend these higher principles governing existence, let alone what is possible when they are combined.

This is the key to your freedom. You are a divine creative being unlimited in potential, and are only limited by your agreements (individually and collectively) to enter and live by the restrictions of the world/form you inhabit (which you now have the opportunity to transcend/change/graduate from), your own understanding and beliefs (or lack there of), and the extent to which you use them. Those among you who have learned and are ready to graduate, those who have entered your world to guide you in this process, and those who have already graduated but not entered your world all are working together (consciously or otherwise) to guide this process on your planet.

Whether you realize it or not, you are all co-creating/recreating yourselves and your world/life in preparation/transition to your next class, whether that be the next higher or the next in hardness (to put it in game language). Your own scientists have known for decades that when you sleep, your brainwave frequencies change to the same frequency of the energy field of the Earth. They may or may not understand the extreme results and ramifications of this, but you all become a merged/united consciousness at that point and share information during sleep.

This state can be achieved while awake through practices of meditation as well as with the natural brain enhancer DMT, which is currently said to be illegal in the United States. It acts as a balance and amplifier of the brain chemistry and intuitive transmission capabilities of your built-in physical multi-dimensional radio transmitter. It is naturally produced in the brain during sleep, and helps facilitate this radio tuning and communication process.

The reason you are being deliberately poisoned and drugged by your food and medical industries, especially younger generations, is to inhibit such multi-dimensional communication and awareness. Those who fear change and loss of control wish to keep you ignorant, distracted and powerless as their often willing slaves, and are doing everything they can imagine to prevent your awakening. This is also the reason for their infiltration, corruption and distortion of the religions.

They are also using such things, especially wars, to lower the population to what they believe to be a more manageable number of brainwashed and enslaved beings. You are currently awakening too fast and becoming too numerous for them to keep from overthrowing their control structures if you so chose, and so they trick you into going to war, killing off your more evolved children incarnating to facilitate the afore-mentioned transition/graduation. They are scared that you will ruin their plans, but confident in your ignorance and gullibility, hence the afore-mentioned tactics.

You are winning the struggle, and their power is dwindling. Their dark leaders feed on the power/psychic energy you give them through your focus in anger and fear, and as these diminish through the realization of higher levels of love, unity and empowerment they are starved of the power they once took for granted. This is the reason for the accelerated fear tactics and removing of your freedoms.

They are now preparing to finish outlawing your freedom of speech and regulating all forms of communication. They have only achieved their progress through lack of empowered, unified resistance. They know that as the truth spreads over the internet, talk shows and movies, more people learn to tune-in psychically to what is going on. They are attempting to destroy/outlaw all physical means of healing and communicating truth, as well as your ability to travel and share the truth directly.

This is their plan, the evidence for which is readily available through documentaries, testimonies and government documents provided by those who have left the corruption they found and risked (and often gave) their lives to share the truth with you. Now that you know, you can stop them.

Without mindless followers, they are simply voices in the crowd without an army. You have been reminded through your movies and TV Shows such as 300, V For Vendetta, X-Men, Star Wars, Star Trek and Robin Hood what has been and can be achieved through empowerment of the few on the physical level. Utilizing the empowerment and education of mind and spirit you can achieve a peaceful revolt through education and removal of the politicians and businesses which seek to control or destroy you. Very little, if any, physical revolt may be required to achieve your freedom.

The choice is yours. The potential is within you, and the tools and education you require have been prepared for you. Believe nothing that I or anyone else says unless your very soul draws you to it and tells you that it is truth. Test it, try it, prove it, and then live it with all your being.

Copyright Christopher Allen Moeller May 2010