Free Coaching Blog

Though I have a family to take care of, and therefore can't give away all my services and knowledge for free; I am giving away what I can, and charging little for everything else. To that end, I use this blog to post articles and other information that will help you improve your life.

If you would like more education/training and other services, visit our web site for details and contact information with which to pursue the changes you desire in your life.

Know that all posts are the property of their author, typically myself; and that none of the material posted here may be used for any purpose without proper written authorization. This training program and my organization are the culmination of the decades and lifetimes of work of myself and my team, and will likely continue long after I have dropped this body.

Also, I would like to work with you. If you want to post or use my work, contact me: I would gladly support you. There is much to accomplish, and little time. Let us create a better world, for this one is no longer working.

Friday, November 5, 2010

My Journey To Success: Part 3 - Untitled and unfinished

I completely recreated my life many times, taking both my spiritual life and business to new levels over and over again. I became the highest paid member of my family, though most of them never knew it. They were closed-minded and negative, full of fear-based beliefs. They usually took even the little pieces I attempted to share with them as bragging or the rambling of an ignorant kid, so I stopped telling them and had little interaction to limit exposure to their negativity.

At that point I was running a marketing and consulting business: offering business coaching, marketing and branding services, custom computers and service, with life coaching and intuitive training as a side practice I didn't advertise. My main client was a millionaire who was paying me $50-60,000 a year (after taxes, which were taken care of for me). I was putting most of my money into my business, primarily education. The millionaire was emotionally unstable and the money unreliable, so I was getting the best education and equipment I could while the money was there as an investment in my future.

I still was holding negative perspectives and mental limitations, though I was facing and dealing with them as they came into my awareness as best I could.

It is now after 3am. I will continue this again soon. Come back soon :)

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