Free Coaching Blog

Though I have a family to take care of, and therefore can't give away all my services and knowledge for free; I am giving away what I can, and charging little for everything else. To that end, I use this blog to post articles and other information that will help you improve your life.

If you would like more education/training and other services, visit our web site for details and contact information with which to pursue the changes you desire in your life.

Know that all posts are the property of their author, typically myself; and that none of the material posted here may be used for any purpose without proper written authorization. This training program and my organization are the culmination of the decades and lifetimes of work of myself and my team, and will likely continue long after I have dropped this body.

Also, I would like to work with you. If you want to post or use my work, contact me: I would gladly support you. There is much to accomplish, and little time. Let us create a better world, for this one is no longer working.

Friday, November 5, 2010

My Journey To Success: Part 2 - On My Own

At the age of 17, my current mentor at the time (second of many) predicted to my mother that I would be a millionaire by the time I was 18. This mentor was an entrepreneur, successful by business standards, in that he had created and sold or given away many companies while living his passion of creating businesses from scratch. He loved the challenge, and was training me to take over his current business while at the same time teaching me to trust and use my intuition.

His prediction wouldn't come close to coming true until my early twenties because of the events that follow, though because I didn't yet fully understand the higher principles behind the creation process evolved beings use, what I created was a corrupt form. I was still holding onto negative beliefs, and so the multi-million dollar contract came with morally corrupt individuals to contend with on both sides. I wasn't yet ready to deal with that level of corruption, and so I destroyed the deal and walked away on moral grounds after reporting the corruption (with little response and no help).

My desire was not for financial success: but rather happiness, peace and freedom with my integrity intact. I was determined to create a spiritual life free from the suffering of my childhood, and in many ways lived the life of a monk. I wanted to create a life in which I worked spare to part-time and made a full-time income. This would allow me to spend the rest of my time with friends and continuing my research and education. I had become what some call a "personal development junkie". I believed in working smarter, not harder. I spent most of my time mentoring/training under and studying those who had achieved success in various areas of life.

Like Robert Kiyosaki, my family growing up lived by ignorance and lack. Their minds were filled with negative limiting beliefs, and we did not have a happy home. By the time I was 17, I had already been abandoned by my father, who had moved to another country after divorcing my mother. Most of my family on either side were lost, negative and poor in education and money.

Soon after my mother was given the above message about my potential, she became overwhelmed by her struggle to create a life for herself. That life, which she was trying to create with a man who already had three kids, conflicted with her role as a parent of two more. She soon dropped me on my uncle's doorstep, vowing to be back for me in a month or two after things calmed down, though my intuition warned me to the contrary. Within approximately the next two years, my sister (three years younger) turned on my mother and went to live with her boyfriend.

I struggled for five or six years to clear my negative beliefs, learn better ways of living, and deal with my pain. Finally, in my early twenties, I realized that I had successfully created the life I had wanted to achieve. I was my own boss, had multiple streams of income, working spare-to-part-time while making full-time income (more than most of my family at that point), and could spend most of my time on friends and human potential R&D.

However, I felt like there was something missing. I felt like I was capable of more, and saw many opportunities for growth, but didn't know what path to follow. I decided to continue my pattern of learning from the successful, and went on to learn from fortune level trainers, spiritual leaders and mystics, millionaires and even a few billionaires.

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