Free Coaching Blog

Though I have a family to take care of, and therefore can't give away all my services and knowledge for free; I am giving away what I can, and charging little for everything else. To that end, I use this blog to post articles and other information that will help you improve your life.

If you would like more education/training and other services, visit our web site for details and contact information with which to pursue the changes you desire in your life.

Know that all posts are the property of their author, typically myself; and that none of the material posted here may be used for any purpose without proper written authorization. This training program and my organization are the culmination of the decades and lifetimes of work of myself and my team, and will likely continue long after I have dropped this body.

Also, I would like to work with you. If you want to post or use my work, contact me: I would gladly support you. There is much to accomplish, and little time. Let us create a better world, for this one is no longer working.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Invitation and February Update:

We're creating a more consolidated structure for our global community movement/network and activating several global alliances. Will update again soon; a lot going on.
I'm about to send out the QE Newsletter, so if you haven't signed up yet; now's the time to visit our web site at It will be loaded with not only news updates, but educational information from our decades of research.

If you are a member of Facebook, please let us know if you are interested in our training program and workshops. We need to know what you are interested in and therefore where we should focus our efforts most. If you are not on FB, please contact us through our web site.

The more response we get, the more funding and other kinds of support we can rally to speed up the process and get the specific trainings to you which suit your interests. We know that most of the 1,000+ people we are inviting to this first level launch, not counting our full global network(s), are not local. Please let us know if you are interested in the online or DVD form of our trainings and workshops, as well as if you are interested in sponsoring such events in your home town.

Personal Facebook page:

QE Community FB page:

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