A response to http://www.facebook.com/QuantumEmpowermentCoach?v=wall&story_fbid=130898640272899#!/profile.php?id=1502592816&v=wall&story_fbid=126285330743394 post from Fred Brown.
Actually, not only am I aware of various levels of bioEM fields, (there are more than one), but I am a certified energy healer/Quantum ProgrammerTM and practitioner, student of approximately half-a-dozen forms of energy healing and other skill systems, ranging from eastern to Native American, as well as a 15+ year student of physics and quantum mechanics. I intend to procure an expensive video recording device which can tape them and perform a new series of experiments with it to include in our training program (see our web site).
Utopian fantasies? Energy technologies have been understood and used for thousands of years just in recorded history alone. Whether they are helpful or harmful is directly relative to the energy frequency (vibration rate), which is completely controllable.
This is not half-understood research, nor is it new technology, but recovered ancient technology that has simply been hidden and expunged from recorded history by those who wish for it (and the associated technological power) to remain solely their own.
The proof is not intellectual, but literal and scientifically documented. The main problems that present themselves in such matters are communication and funding. Scientists have a hard time explaining such technology to the layman, (especially due to miss-information and propaganda), and most of those with money and power only fund such research for their own interests, not for the open good and education of mankind as a whole.
This, among many other things, we are currently working to change. Yes, I said We. I am part of an organization/network working on multiple levels to educate and empower the populous, including many “whistle-blowers”. This knowledge formerly existed only among the elite, the educated and powerful leadership and what were called, among other things, mystery schools. We typically only shared this knowledge, because of the danger of abuse, with those who rigorously proved both their character and readiness for the responsibility to use such knowledge for the greater good of all.
However, the self-serving elite have decided to use their knowledge and power to oppress and destroy the population. This is unacceptable, but we alone can not stop them. Too many people are empowering and protecting this system of destruction out of ignorance, and so some of us are now openly teaching the mysteries and empowering the people to achieve their own freedom and salvation by proper use of this knowledge and these technologies.
Smelting and plastic making are currently archaic industries which are not properly using the technologies currently available. For instance, the mining and smelting of ore, (of any kind, including gold), can now be performed using energy technologies which rearrange the molecules, creating groupings of like molecules, which can then be melted down and separated in stages (by melting point) quite easily, with No toxic or other waste. ALL materials are recovered and usable. This is just one of many examples of such technology, one that I personally have spoken to the inventor of, who is well respected in one of our global organizations.
As for “why we need this stuff”: these technologies allow processes and systems, like above, that can change the entire way of life of our world population. Flying vehicles were a recovered technological reality decades ago, as evidenced by TV shows such as Beyond 2000 on which they appeared, easily mass producible for the common man but allowing too much freedom of mobility for the fear-based rulers of world societies to allow.
NO, there has NEVER been a Real Need for slaves; that is pure propaganda/brainwashing promoting an ignorant, limited lack paradigm. We have and use machines that build other machines, like our vehicles: and do not need slave assembly lines for anything. Star Trek actually very accurately portrays the very real technology and society we are currently able to create.
If you are not one of those ignorant people stuck in a limited fear-based comfort zone paradigm, which at some points you do not seem to be, then I suggest you take an Open Minded look at my YouTube profile, (which I link to on the left side of my FB profile), and take a look at what some of the top scientists are saying about and doing with such things. I have an entire playlist dedicated to advanced technologies and inspiration pieces, and that is just the tip of the iceberg of what I know and have access to.
Be careful what you believe without proof, Especially when it promotes a limited fear paradigm. Whether you want to believe it or not, your population is at war for your very lives, and has been brainwashed so badly by your politicians, corporations and religions (businesses as well): that you have a tremendous struggle ahead of you to even attempt to live a happy and free life.
Most people fail miserably and live as slaves for not even half their potential lifespan, constantly popping pills and escaping into bottles or other distracting addictions. If you want a better life than the suffering and failure many people have accepted as their fate, you must educate and free yourself. No one can do it for you, only show you the way.
I keep watching but I still do not understand most of it.